February 27th, 2015
I have been in touch with the Head of the Grounds Dept. for the WRDSB to get an update regarding the walkway at the side of our school. Due to the leak that was discovered in that side of our school building in January, the grounds in the front and to the side, were significantly torn up and repairs now will not be possible until the spring. The leak has been fixed; however, more extensive work will need to be done to this area come the spring. As a result of the torn up grounds, the accessibility to the school via this pathway will remain closed until the spring. The Board is going to remove the stairs at the end of this laneway, install a ramp and re-surface the area to make it that much more accessible for our walkers and those with strollers or other mobility devices. Sorry that I do not have better news regarding accessibility for the immediate time-frame, yet it will be accessible soon and provide smoother and more efficient access too many, this coming spring.
Thank you for your patience in regards to this matter. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to give me a call at Sheppard (519-578-5920).
Ms. Starodub